The Sick Earth

Earth, a one of kind planet where life exist. We all now that we are living in this planet and there’s no need to say it over and over again but what bothers me most is that why planet earth is acting so strange nowadays. With sudden change in temperature, natural calamities and floods.



This is because it’s too old and just like humans it will also have malfunctions and sickness or was it because it wasn’t taken care of by  it’s inhabitants. Either way we can’t deny the fact that planet Earth is slowly deteriorating . Because of this, our world experiences different calamities and one of  these is flood.

File:Trapped woman on a car roof during flash flooding in Toowoomba 2.jpg

Flood according to is an overflow of water that submerges land. But what really causes flood? Was it the earth itself just acting like a brat or are we going to open our minds and realize that we are the reason to these calamities. Save planet earth while you still can.



Planting trees is a very useful tool in healing our land. Also, do not cut trees for your own advantage and benefit, but if you’re having trouble dealing with trees, you might want to grab their help for such matter. Do your responsibility as a human being and a steward of planet earth.

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